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L'attacco hacker cinese alle principali basi statunitensi a Guam fa parte della Liminal Warfare
Xi Jinping sta già portando avanti la sua guerra liminale contro gli Stati Uniti e tutti gli alleati NATO. Lo spettro della competizione...
Nicola Iuvinale
3 giu 2023Tempo di lettura: 7 min
45 visualizzazioni
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The PRC is assisting Russia in its war of aggression against Ukraine
Focus on relations between Russia and China G Iuvinale C4ADS uncovers evidence of increased wartime trade in sensitive defense...
Gabriele Iuvinale
6 apr 2023Tempo di lettura: 3 min
18 visualizzazioni
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The digital reminbi and the global standard of "Central Bank digital currencies"
The blockchain infrastructure created by Beijing to build a stronger economic and political apparatus and attempt to reduce the hegemony...
Gabriele Iuvinale
6 apr 2023Tempo di lettura: 8 min
10 visualizzazioni
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"Xiplomacy": the "three concentric circles" of chinese diplomacy
Focus on chinese diplomacy G Iuvinale On March 31, President Xi Jinping met with Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez, Malaysian Prime Minister...
Gabriele Iuvinale
3 apr 2023Tempo di lettura: 7 min
26 visualizzazioni
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Russia to step up cooperation with China: Foreign Policy Concept
Focus on Eurasia G Iuvinale Russia aims to further strengthen its comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation with China,...
Gabriele Iuvinale
1 apr 2023Tempo di lettura: 2 min
19 visualizzazioni
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South China Sea: China have deployed a long-term ocean observation platform
Focus on Indo-Pacific G Iuvinale Chinese scientists have deployed a long-term ocean observation platform in the South China Sea, with...
Gabriele Iuvinale
28 mar 2023Tempo di lettura: 2 min
16 visualizzazioni
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China has three roads to Taiwan: The US must block them all
Focus on Indo-Pacific G Iuvinale Photo: Xi Jinping A recent report by the American Enterprise Institute titled China’s Three Roads to...
Gabriele Iuvinale
17 mar 2023Tempo di lettura: 4 min
38 visualizzazioni
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China: plan to reform its institutions unveiled
Focus on China G Iuvinale China's State Council, the Cabinet, unveiled a plan to reform its institutions on Tuesday, March 8. The plan...
Gabriele Iuvinale
8 mar 2023Tempo di lettura: 5 min
27 visualizzazioni
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China’s Paper on Ukraine and Next Steps for Xi’s Global Security Initiative
Focus on Eurasia G e N Iuvinale On February 24, General Secretary Xi Jinping did not make an expected “peace speech” to mark the first...
Gabriele Iuvinale
7 mar 2023Tempo di lettura: 7 min
24 visualizzazioni
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Beijing expanding airborne surveillance capabilities over East China Sea
Focus on Indo-Pacific G Iuvinale According to Janes, one of the world's top intelligence agencies, the People's Liberation Army Naval Air...
Gabriele Iuvinale
2 mar 2023Tempo di lettura: 3 min
10 visualizzazioni
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The World After Taiwan’s Fall
Focus on Indo-Pacific G Iuvinale A failure of the United States to come to Taiwan’s aid - politically, economically, and militarily - in...
Gabriele Iuvinale
28 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 6 min
16 visualizzazioni
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The chances that in Ukraine it will end the same way as the Korean war of the 50s
The similarities between the war in Ukraine and the war on the Korean Peninsula G e N Iuvinale “After a year of brutal fighting, in which...
Gabriele Iuvinale
27 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 5 min
32 visualizzazioni
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The European pilgrimage to China begins
More European leaders visit China to seek "common ground" on the Ukraine crisis and to talk trade deals Focus on UE/China G Iuvinale More...
Gabriele Iuvinale
26 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 3 min
38 visualizzazioni
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Focus on China-EU dynamics - 25 February 2023
G Iuvinale Wang Yi made his first European tour after being promoted to the Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign...
Gabriele Iuvinale
25 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 4 min
17 visualizzazioni
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Digital China: The Strategy and Its Geopolitical Implications
Focus on China G. Iuvinale Over the past few years, there has been growing concern inside the United States, Europe, and in the...
Gabriele Iuvinale
23 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 3 min
9 visualizzazioni
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Atomic Strait: How China’s Nuclear Buildup Shapes Security Dynamics with Taiwan and the United State
Focus on Indo-Pacific G Iuvinale A recent report by Jacob Stokes, Senior Fellow Indo-Pacific Security Program at CNAS, examines the...
Gabriele Iuvinale
20 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 2 min
14 visualizzazioni
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U.S. Department of Defense Delegation Joins FSI Scholars for Panel on Current Security Challenges
Chief Information Officers representing specialties across the Department of Defense met with Michael McFaul, Scott Sagan, and Amy Zegart...
Gabriele Iuvinale
16 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 7 min
7 visualizzazioni
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Xi holds talks with Iranian president, eyeing new progress in ties
Focus on Middle East G Iuvinale Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with visiting President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim...
Gabriele Iuvinale
16 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 4 min
9 visualizzazioni
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Focus on Southeast Asia G Iuvinale Southeast Asia is of core strategic importance to both the West and China, in its geographical...
Gabriele Iuvinale
13 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 3 min
9 visualizzazioni
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China shows concept of tailless future fighter jet
The Chinese aviation industry has revealed a concept of the country's next-generation fighter jet Geopolitics - China G Iuvinale A...
Gabriele Iuvinale
7 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 1 min
8 visualizzazioni
0 commenti
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