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Geopolitical News

"Oriented to the future"

The West is entering an era of great power competition with China for which it is not prepared. How to secure freedom and prosperity in this more competitive age is the national security organizing question of our time.

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"Freedom is like air, you realize how much it's worth when it starts to run out"

"Peace was my goal, but not my 'idol'; and even the word 'ideal' I regret because too far from reality. My life was back in order, not the empire. The world I had inherited he resembled a man in his prime, still robust, in whom, however, the doctor's eye sees imperceptible signs of wear and tear, like someone who has just recovered from the spasms of a serious illness. Rome is no longer Rome: it will have to recognize itself in half the world or perish?""Trahit sua quemque voluptas": each of his bends; each his own purpose, his ambition if you like, the most secret taste, the most open ideal".For the emperor Hadrian it was "the beautiful": he felt responsible for the beauty of the world.Humanitas, Felicitas, Libertas... are the words engraved on Roman coins: it is the human aspiration to happiness and the task of those who govern called to fulfill for the people."I governed the empire in Latin; in Latin my epitaph will be engraved, on the walls of the mausoleum on the banks of the Tiber; but in Greek I thought, in Greek I lived". Natura deficit, fortuna mutatur, deus omnia cernit (nature betrays us, fortune changes, a god from above watches everything).

Gabriele Iuvinale

The  solutions  governmental to a  problem  they are usually as bad as the  problem.

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Nicola Iuvinale

I would be very bad in a world without books, but that is not where reality is, since it is not there in its entirety.

Who we are

Gabriele and Nicola Iuvinale are lawyers and corporate jurists. They have been dealing with international law and geopolitics particularly focused on China for years; in this context they also carry out open source intelligence (OSINT) activities with research, collection and analysis of data. They have collaborated with the University of Trento and were members of the SMEFIN research group directed by Prof. Luca Erzegovesi, as experts in financial intermediation, credit guarantee and first demand guarantees. They have carried out business development activities in Canada. In 2020 they founded the blog with articles and podcasts focused on geopolitics and international law, with a focus on Russia and China. For about a year they edited the weekly column "Prediche Moderatamente Utili" of the Fondazione Einaudi. They are the authors of the essay entitled "La Cina di Xi Jinping. Verso un nuovo ordine mondiale sinocentrico?", Antonio Stango Editore, 2023, with a preface by Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata. Authors of articles and papers in scientific journals.

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