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Agreement between China and Russia for a global strategic partnership and promote a new era. It is a substantial declaration of war on the post-WWII "rules-based international order"

Essentially, the declaration issued today constitutes a formal agreement between the two countries to develop a comprehensive strategic partnership in military, trade, industry, energy, aerospace, IT, Arctic, Belt and Road, maritime and naval development, etc. The agreement is a definitive measure for the joint defense of their rights and interests by mutually opposing any attempts to hinder the normal development of bilateral relations, interfere in the internal affairs of the two countries and restrict their economic, technological and international space. They pledged to firmly support each other on issues involving each other's fundamental interests such as sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and development, make reasonable and effective use of each other's advantages, focus on safeguarding the security and stability of each other's countries and promote development and revitalization. They will further deepen mutual trust and military cooperation, expand the scope of joint training activities, regularly organize joint sea and air patrols, strengthen coordination and cooperation under bilateral and multilateral frameworks, and continuously improve the capacity and level of both sides to act jointly and respond to risks and challenges. Both sides condemned unilateral actions that bypassed the UN Security Council, violated international laws such as the UN Charter and eroded justice and conscience, as well as unilateral measures that violated WTO rules.

by Nicola, Gabriele Iuvinale

The Republic of China and the Russian Federation today issued a joint statement signed by Presidents Xi Jinping and Wladimir Putin.

Putin and Xi Jinping pointed out that in the face of a turbulent and ever-changing world landscape, China-Russia relations have withstood the test of the changing international situation, highlighting their characteristics of stability and tenacity, and are currently at the highest level in the countries' history. They stressed that the development of a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia for a new era is in the fundamental interest of the two countries and their peoples. It is not a temporary measure, it is not influenced by temporary events but is a strong endogenous and independently valuable driving force. Both will defend their legitimate rights and interests and oppose any attempts to hinder the normal development of bilateral relations, interfere in the internal affairs of the two countries and restrict the economic, technological and international space of the two countries.

Russia and China have become the world's major powers and each other's biggest neighbors. The countries are willing to further deepen comprehensive strategic coordination, firmly support each other on issues involving each other's core interests such as sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and development, reasonably and effectively exploit each other's advantages, focus on safeguarding the security and stability of each other's countries and promote development and revitalization.

Russia reaffirmed its adherence to the One China principle, recognized Taiwan as an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China, opposed any form of "Taiwan independence" and strongly supported China's measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and achieve national reunification. China supports Russia in safeguarding its security, stability, development and prosperity, sovereignty and territorial integrity and opposes external forces interfering in Russia's internal affairs.

Both sides stressed that major changes in the world are accelerating, the status and strength of emerging powers in countries and regions of the "Global South" are steadily increasing, and the multipolarity of the world is accelerating. These objective factors accelerate the redistribution of development potential, resources, opportunities, etc. in a direction beneficial to emerging markets and developing countries, and promote the democratization of international relations and international equity and justice.

The two countries have consistently pursued defense cooperation based on a high level of mutual strategic trust and effectively safeguarded regional and global security. The two sides will further deepen mutual trust and military cooperation, expand the scope of joint training activities, regularly organize joint sea and air patrols, strengthen coordination and cooperation under bilateral and multilateral frameworks, and continuously improve the ability and level of both sides to act jointly and respond to risks and challenges.

Both sides believe that, in accordance with the fundamental principle of international law of the sovereign equality of all states, international obligations relating to the immunity of countries and their property (including sovereign reservations) must be strictly adhered to. Both sides condemned attempts to confiscate foreign assets and property and stressed the right of the victim country to take countermeasures in accordance with international law. Both sides are determined to protect the national property of the other party in their respective countries and to ensure the security, inviolability and timely return of the national property of the other party during its temporary transportation to their respective countries.

Both sides believe that pragmatic cooperation between China and Russia is an important factor in promoting the economic and social development and common prosperity of the two countries, ensuring technological progress and national economic sovereignty, realizing national modernization, improving people's welfare, and keeping the world economic stability and sustainability. Both sides are willing to promote inclusive and inclusive economic globalization. Both sides noted with satisfaction that practical cooperation between China and Russia in various fields continues to progress and achieve positive results. Both sides are willing to continue to deepen cooperation in various fields in accordance with the principle of mutual benefit and win-win, work closely to overcome external challenges and adverse factors, improve the efficiency of bilateral cooperation, and achieve stability and high quality development of cooperation.

To this end, both sides agreed:

  1. In accordance with the "Joint Statement by the President of the People's Republic of China and the President of the Russian Federation on the Development Plan of Key Directions for Sino-Russian Economic Cooperation before 2030", vigorously promote cooperation in various fields to achieve high-quality development.

  2. Continue to expand the scope of bilateral trade, optimize the trade structure, deepen cooperation in the fields of service trade, e-commerce, digital economy and sustainable development, and jointly maintain the stability and security of industrial and supply chains.

  3. Continuously improve the level of investment cooperation between the two countries, jointly promote the implementation of major cooperation projects, protect the rights and interests of investors, and create fair and equitable conditions for investment.

  4. Continue to consolidate strategic energy cooperation between China and Russia and achieve high-level development to ensure the economic and energy security of the two countries. Pursue cooperation in oil, natural gas, liquefied natural gas, coal, electricity and other sectors in accordance with market principles to ensure the stable operation of relevant cross-border infrastructure and the unimpeded transportation of energy. Jointly promote the implementation of large-scale energy projects by Chinese and Russian enterprises and deepen cooperation in promising areas such as renewable energy, hydrogen energy and carbon markets.

  5. Based on the experience of projects that have been successfully implemented and are in the process of implementation, and in accordance with the principles of mutual benefit and balance of interests, deepen cooperation in the field of civilian nuclear energy, including thermonuclear fusion, fast neutron reactors, and closed nuclear fuel cycles and explore a comprehensive approach to the development of nuclear fuel Front-end cycle and co-construction of nuclear power plants.

  6. Increase the share of local currencies in bilateral trade, financing, and other economic activities. Improve the financial infrastructure of the two countries and facilitate settlement channels for business entities between the two countries.

  7. Improve the level of cooperation in the fields of industry and innovation, jointly develop advanced industries and strengthen technological and production cooperation, including civil aviation production, shipbuilding, automobile production, equipment production, electronics industry, metallurgy, iron ore mining, chemical industry industry, etc. industry and forestry industry. Create good conditions for both sides to carry out promising projects in priority areas, expand trade in industrial products and increase their share in bilateral trade, and promote the industrial modernization process of the two countries.

  8. Pursue mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies, including artificial intelligence, communications, software, Internet of Things, open source, network and data security, electronic games, radio frequency coordination, vocational education and professional scientific research.

  9. Consolidate the long-term partnership between the two sides in the field of aerospace, implement major national space program projects that are in the common interest of China and Russia, promote cooperation in the field of lunar and deep space exploration, including the construction of international lunar scientific research station platforms, and strengthen the application cooperation of the Beidou and GLONASS satellite navigation system.

  10. Deepen cooperation in transport, logistics and ports, build stable, smooth and sustainable transport and logistics corridors and develop direct or transit transport lines between the two countries. Simultaneously strengthen the construction of border port infrastructure, strengthen standardized port management, improve the efficiency of port inspection and customs clearance capabilities, and ensure smooth and regular transportation of passengers and cargo. Improve the customs clearance and transportation capabilities of China-Europe trains transiting Russia to jointly ensure safe and efficient cargo transportation. Based on the strategic importance of the China-Russia partnership, we should actively promote the development of air transportation and encourage airlines on both sides to add more routes and flights in a standardized way to cover more areas.

  11. Establish a China-Russia Arctic Waterways Cooperation Subcommittee under the mechanism of the China-Russia Prime Minister's Periodic Meeting Committee to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in Arctic development and utilization, protect Arctic ecosystem, promote Arctic construction Arctic waterways become an important international transportation corridor and encourage the two countries to strengthen cooperation between Chinese enterprises to increase Arctic shipping volumes and build Arctic shipping logistics infrastructure. Deepen cooperation in polar ship technology and construction.

  12. Continue to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state on the parallel and coordinated development of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Greater Eurasian Partnership, and create conditions for the independent and stable economic and social development of Asian and European countries.

Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to building a more just and stable multipolar international architecture, fully and unconditionally respecting the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and safeguarding true multilateralism.

The two sides are willing to deepen bilateral cooperation within the framework of the United Nations, including the UN General Assembly and the Security Council, and should strengthen cooperation when discussing important international issues within the various UN agencies.

The two sides are willing to continue working together to promote constructive dialogue and cooperation among all parties in the field of multilateral human rights, uphold common values for all humanity, oppose the politicization of human rights, double standards and the use of human rights issues to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and jointly promote all aspects of the international human rights agenda.

In order to improve the health of all humankind, the two sides continue to work closely together on global health issues, including supporting the role of the World Health Organization and opposing the politicization of its work.

Both sides strongly promote an open, inclusive, transparent and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system based on the rules of the World Trade Organization. Both sides are willing to strengthen cooperation within the WTO, promote WTO reform including restoring the normal operation of the dispute settlement mechanism, and promote the implementation of the outcomes of the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference. Both sides oppose the politicization of international economic relations, including the work of multilateral organizations in the areas of trade, finance, energy and transport, which will lead to the fragmentation of global trade, protectionism and fierce competition.

Both sides condemned unilateral actions that bypassed the UN Security Council, violated international laws such as the UN Charter and eroded justice and conscience, as well as unilateral measures that violated WTO rules. Restrictive measures that violate WTO rules hinder the development of free trade and have a negative impact on global industrial and supply chains. China and Russia strongly oppose this.

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