
Since Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, China's growing assertiveness and will to power have taken on very specific characteristics, leading Beijing, in less than a decade, to climb the global rankings in multiple areas. The Chinese government is implementing a comprehensive, long-term strategy to ensure its global dominance.
The People's Republic of China officially declares coercive ambitions and policies that challenge and question our interests, security and values. Beijing uses a vast arsenal of political, economic and military tools aimed at rapidly increasing its global presence, its power projection, while remaining completely opaque regarding its strategy, its intentions and the exponential strengthening of its military arsenal. China today is rich, industrialized, controls the most important global supply chains and creates dependencies. To make states more dependent and willing to its new world order, Beijing uses every weapon at its disposal to project strong power, which seeks to penetrate the soft tissues of democracies and obtain their acquiescence through covert, coercive and corruptive means.

Drawing from the millenary culture of the art of deception also developed in the field of war, China has been pursuing its Liminal Warfare for years where the spectrum of competition and confrontation with the West is so broad that the battlefield is everywhere and the war is total; the control of technological means, 5G systems, strategic real estate purchases, the construction or management of bridges, highways and ports throughout the world, and much more, are all "trans military" and "non-military" war operations. And to do this, Beijing uses every means at its disposal. This war is "liminal" because Beijing conducts it by riding the edge of observability, not exceeding our detectability threshold. It is incredible to look back for a moment and see how all this happened so suddenly, without the West realizing - at least until the last moment - the danger: both external and internal, because it managed to penetrate and innervate the very core of our political, economic and cultural apparatuses. To remedy the disaster it is necessary to finally know the adversary we are facing: how he moves, what his objectives are, which "allies" (more or less aware) he recruits and exploits in the adversary's camp, that is, in our camp.

This report, which consists of 220 pages and 775 notes, is the result of two years of Open Source Intelligence research on Chinese liminal warfare in Europe. It is a report that catalogs the individual operations, analyzes them in a simple and objective way, making them explicit with evidence, real facts and harmful effects, in every area where it is conducted. It highlights the resulting European situation and the political, economic, strategic and security implications for the European Union, countries, governments, parliaments, public and private institutions, businesses, NATO, etc.
About the authors: Gabriele and Nicola Iuvinale have been corporate lawyers for over 25 years. For several years they have been conducting research and analysis in Open Source Intelligence on China, collaborating with public and private entities. In 2020 they created Extrema Ratio (www.extremarationews.com). In 2023 they published the essay "Xi Jinping's China. Towards a new Sinocentric world order?", presented in the same year to the Senate of the Italian Republic and still cataloged in the library of Stanford University and the Congress of the United States of America. They are also authors of articles and research on the topic in various scientific journals.
To purchase the full report contact: e.ratioblog@gmail.com